Zambezi Times Online sez:

"When a bunch of crabs fights each other inside the same cage, what happens? This is an assured mutual destruction.

Today's political feuding is a national game. Like paper tigers, Zimbas raise their paws. From Youths to Veterans, all are raising a fist, but do not plow the land to feed the hungry.

The colonists in Africa never taught the native people how to become self-sufficient through agriculture. Africa has a rich and fertile soil, but doesn't know how to cultivate crops to feed its people. Where there is soil you can grow food, and where there is water you can stock the fish and farm them.

They learn Marxist theories, and the Liberation Theology. And now are facing IMF harsh rules, in order to benefit from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries status.

Our conscience levels are still very low, if we can't see the obvious.
When democracy bring peace, at the cost of freedom, what is better?
St NaZaire May. 8"

My thought is that we have been robbed. Re-addressing the iniquities will take more than angry words.


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